Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Life's a beach

Four days ago, I traded in boxes, unforgiving to-do lists and the unfamiliarity of new spaces called "home" for this....

A quiet, reflective, locked away escape with my most precious people.

For the past couple months, my life has been busting at the seams with all sorts of new positives; such as buying our very own home, ending the school year and welcoming the summer with open embraces and lemonades in hand. Such very good things and yet, it has all managed to still feel very loud and demanding. Interesting enough, the positive changes in your life can be pretty bossypants with your time. I guess all change (good or bad) comes with some weight. 

This week, we shed that weight and just drifted off to sea. 

This trip marks another "firsts" of sorts. Kelly and I have never before taken any sort of trip with just our little people. We love our visits to family and await for opportunities to celebrate friends or meet up for special events... but the anticipation and nervousness that latched on to the notion of this May family vacation continues to welcome in extreme light and gratitude for this gift of time that so often gets shoved off in the hustle of living. Why didn't we do this sooner? Oh yeah, that's right. We were poor. And tired.. And had a bunch of babies.

Regardless of how we try to trick ourselves, babies and travels do not mesh so well. While we have attempted it again and again, this was hands down the best 14 hour excursion of all. Modern technology and a good deal of night-time (aka kid sleep time) seemed to be the magic trick... you know, minus the whole 2-yr-old sleeping part...at least she sang instead of cried. And the addition this trip of a great spotify playlist and a lovely splitter with headphones was pure Kelly May genius. Rocking out beside your best friend while the kids have absolutely no idea music was even playing, in ways felt like a secret date. Shh... don't tell.

Life is beachin'. Laundry consists of swimsuits and towels that dry in the sun. We have befriended neighbors from all over the country and join in the camaraderie that exists when you watch your child on their most favorite day. This feeling is the life I hope to grow with my family 365 days a year. 

And if that's not possible. At least I've had this week...

Not a bad place to start from at all.