What Gabe lacks in forward distances he is definitely making up for with height. In an effort to crawl forward at a faster pace, Gabe will now hike up his bottom as high as it can go...
Effective? ...maybe..
Hilarious?... definitely!

Friday night my Mom babysat so my husband could steal me away to dinner! We then went to our favorite pub, watched the debate and played darts! I think that the darts were a great way to release some tension! Thanks Nonnie for watching the kids! You have NO idea what a life saver you were!
Saturday morning was GOLDEN DAY! I woke up to "happy birthday Mommy" with a yummy breakfast! Then we were off to ride my favorite...the trolley!
We happened to stumble upon a street festival in uptown. If you didn't know this, I happen to LOVE street festivals. We decided that it must have been in honor of my golden day and so we decided to attend! Such a pretty day for a stroll...
Saturday night, we had a few people over to cook out and visit! I just love parties outside! We had some yummy birthday cobbler and really great visits with people we love!
maybe they weren't quite as pumped as Mommy
Skating now comes with a little more gear...
Travis, Ben, Lily, Jack, Gabe, Molly and Avery
And the stylishly sweaty Mommies!
Such a fun workout!
Saturday was a complete Happy Birthday Daddy day!!! Too bad I only took one picture! We went out for a special breakfast, shopping fest, took a stellar nap and then had a movie night with friends! Molly sang "Happy Birthday Daddy" all day...over and over...
While Molly cleaned the Wallace's out of their watermelon... (this might be slice #6)
The Fall fun didn't stop there...you still with me? On Monday we went to the arboretum to check out the fall festival! Molly loves Mommy Mondays because it means that she gets to pet the sheep! SO FUN!
Here is Molly brushing her favorite sheep also named Molly...
I had no luck with Molly...but Gabriel definitely got into the whole excitement of fall!
Molly was too interested in her make-up to care about the pumpkins...
Happy Fall!
The boys definitely had a good time...
Not the best picture of the birthday duo...but oh well! This is Kelly post- Irish Car Bomb.
Definitely not his last one either...
Man, we need to wash the car!!!
Stay tuned for more birthday hoopla!
definitely perfect for some dizzy dancing...
Thanks to Molly's best friend, Avery, she is now decked out with her fancy singing potty chair and potty power movie! Right now, life is ALL about the POTTY. Today, Molly had 3 successful tries at using the potty! MAJOR progress!
It seems that a rainy day was just what we needed.
6 months old
weight: 17 lb 15 oz (55%)
length: 27 inches (70%) * head: 17.6 (70%)
Gabriel currently has two teeth on the bottom. At any given moment he is making this weird face (as pictured in the fireman hat), He is rubbing his gums with his tongue and beat boxin' simultaneously.
It is amazing that he has been a part of home now for 6 months! How did that happen so fast?!?! But for as quickly as 6 months has come...I can't seem to remember life without him in it.
Molly Grace May
2 years old
weight: 23 lb 4 oz (10%) - BIG IMPROVEMENT!
length: 34 1/4 in (70%) * head: 19 in. (70%)
Our Molly girl is at such a fun age right now! She just has so much to say! I know that every toddler is hilarious and our Molly is definitely up there with the best of them. She says the funniest things...here are a few of my most recent favorites...
In her stroller at Old Navy: "Let me out now I need to shop..."
Every time she says no...it comes out as: "No Honey..."
When she is delaying bedtime she now must say goodnight to the kitchen appliances and produce. So now we get to enjoy: "Night night pickles...I love you. or Sweet dreams Milk *kiss*"
I think that our most common phrase though is: "No honey, I'll do it."
I seriously think that if there was a memo that went out to all two year olds about control than Molly has read it, memorized it and added her own footnotes. I swear on the day she turned two everything became all about her INDEPENDENCE. Molly now buckles her own car seat, dresses herself (in her unique style), climbs in the car herself, climbs in the bath tub herself...you get the idea. She is the boss of EVERYTHING about her...or so she wishes...I am learning how to trick her into letting me help... some days are better than others..she is a smart one.
Sleep is a battle with Molly EVERY day. She is notorious for inventing ways to get out of naps, creating methods to fight sleep and improving new stall tactics. If only she could harness all this brain power to save the planet or something! I will say we have now moved off the floor. For those of you that don't know, we went through a 6 month stint where Molly would only fall asleep on the floor every night. That was fun.
Like Gabriel, Molly too loves hats...
and shoes...and finger nail polish...and purses, bows and dresses. Her favorite place to play is in our closet.
Our Molly Grace is just about the most ungraceful child you will ever meet. She is COVERED in bruises. But for as uncoordinated she may be our little girl can dance! Molly loves to dance and sing and READ books! She loves her books so much...in fact, she would give up her pillow, babies or blankets in a battle against nap time...but if I even so much as hint at taking her books away then it is the end.of.the.world.
Molly has been the best child to break Kelly and I in to parenthood. She is ALWAYS full of surprises. I think the most disgusting discovery was when I looked in the rear view mirror just in time to see Molly take a piece of candy off the bottom of her shoe (from the Target parking lot) and eat it. Sadly, she has done this several times since...we now ride home without shoes on.
I love Molly's age because she is now the queen of pretend. She is always discovering things and showing me a whole new perspective on everyday events. It is so refreshing. I can't wait to see all the adventures that she and Gabe will create together... I love that Kelly and I can tag along for the ride too... I guess all of you can too...
Thanks for catching up with our crew!
It seems that while I was away the kids each learned a bunch of new tricks which will be shown in later posts! The only video I am including is of the kids this past week. I was going to crop the video to decrease the level of boredom for you viewers but really couldn't find a good spot. I am so bad at that. So, feel free to tune out at any point...I just really felt the whole video was a strong representation of our daily dynamic...Enjoy!
Tomorrow Gabe and Molly have their well-visits...again, a little overdue. They will both be getting pokes so we will see how that goes... I will be flying solo. Updates and stats to come!