Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Magic Number

Today I learned that the magic age for a child just might be 4 years old! At least after today---4 sure seems pretty awesome.

Molly might have inherited a little bit of bossiness from a lovely and important member of the family. Miss Bossy is known to show herself in full form when she is playing anywhere with other children...unless you are a baby. Then you are of no threat and the wonderful recipient of oober Molly love. Lucky babies.

Unfortunately, if you are in her age range you are often not as lucky. "This is mine please", "I don't want to play with ______” and "Are you kidding me?" often rings clear on the playground. Molly loves other kids...she just likes to make sure they remember where they stand in regards to her play. Bossy-pants I tell you.

Oh, but then there was glorious, wonderful today.

Molly befriended a very lovely 4-year-old named Angel today at the park. Angel too was a fellow princess lover and passionate swingster of the playground. Instant friendship. But... because Angel was four she was over this whole possessive phase. She would initiate play themes and keep Molly involved with constant communication and some wonderful dramatic play. And Molly ATE IT UP! Man, she had the best time EVER at the park. She would run and play and I actually had moments where I sat with Gabriel on the bench and we shared a snack. No running to put out fires, no 2 minute interest in an activity but true continuous play for Molly. Yes please.

Gabe didn't know what to do with all this extra attention on the playground! I think he is wishing for more encounters with four year olds too.

I did have a favorite moment at the park in addition to the overall joy it brought. When Molly first met Angel they were at the top of the tallest slide and I couldn't hear what they were saying. They were talking up a storm together so I assumed that introductions were happening.

(In case you do not speak little girl: Introduction means you inform your new best friend of your name, age, current panty character and what kind of birthday party you are going to have)

Sure enough several minutes later, Angel slides down, turns around and yells: "Come on Jasmine ---chase me."

I guess some things are the same no matter whom you are playing with.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Hair

Oh, THE HAIR. I still continued to be amazed by all that is possible with curly hair. Molly's Medusa locks have their own place in this family. In labor, Molly had so much hair that the internal monitoring device became tangled in her hair and I had to birth it out (sorry if this is a bit TMI). Her hair has always been a big part of her individual spunk.

We have weathered the bad days...

celebrated the victories...

watched it GROW and GROW in the bath tub...

only to have it shrink right back up minutes later.
Crazy I tell you. But for all of the insanity it adds to morning routine...we can't imagine our Molly girl without her wild curls! Amazing how hair can really match a personality isn't it?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sizzling Schedule

Wow. Talk about some Texas summer heat. On a scale of one to 10 how bad is it that I am already looking forward to the smell of 'footballs in the air'. It is really interesting that the week we choose to be the busiest ever happens to fall on the hottest days of summer this season.

I think it is safe to say we made the best of the hot hot days doing all kinds of summery things...

now tell me that picture above isn't the funniest thing ever. Go ahead. Take another look and have a nice little giggle. I know I will.

This week we played with cousins
snuggled with family
and celebrated one special GiGi.
We had play dates at the pool, visits with a granny and some great times with our friends...
small friends...

and big ones!

I say I am a spring/fall person but this week of summer sure was a great excuse to swim, eat milkshakes, make smores, make forts, watch movies, plant flowers, happy-hour-it and take some much needed time from the sun to relax.
Hmm, maybe I am a summer person after all...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daddy Day

Daddy Day is the one day where Molly can sing to every 'daddy' she sees and Gabriel can plant kisses on random men poolside... well, I guess that really isn't even generally accepted for daddy day but there was no stopping our little love machine. Daddy days are glorious opportunities to celebrate the favorite daddies in your life... wow, we sure do have some great ones to celebrate.

Today was such a relaxing day of daddy love...we are talking about a celebration of Kelly and all so it seems a bit fitting that there is a comforting peacefulness about the day.

At one point in the day, Kelly informed me that becoming someone's daddy has been the best part of his life so far. I couldn't agree more.

Because being a daddy sure does seem the coolest...

especially if you have this guy for a daddy...

although Molly is coming off some pretty intense hurt feelings at the camera lady rest assured that she has nothing but love for her daddy in this shot

Happy Father's Day to all the great Daddies in your life!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Didn't know this was actually possible but apparently if you are Kelly May then you are mighty enough to buttdial 911, hang up and then have them call back. I knew that I married a man with crazy talents but wow, even I am a little shell shocked.

Key lock... it is a beautiful thing.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Potty Humor

Sharing a closet-sized bathroom with three other people and a million bath toys is often not so enjoyable. The opportunity to surprise victims in the bathroom with pranks and fun jokes are however quite plentiful...

and wonderful...

I was really hoping that Kelly would 'roar' with laughter but I settled for a substantial giggle.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beach Trip!

Okay if you continue to read this blog post consider yourself warned that this is perhaps the largest media upload yet...

Beachland. I think that I was perhaps supposed to have been born in beachland and yet somehow was displaced to North Texas. Don't get me wrong...Texas is good and all... but beachland... we just look like we belong there--- don't you think?

The trip down was actually really fun. I love road trips and luckily so does Kelly... whew. We made the drive in just under 11 hours which was a WONDERFUL surprise! Driving through the night with sleeping kids is DEFINITELY the way to go. We had a little fun of course to keep ourselves entertained...

Destin is just so beautiful! I grew up coming to this beach so it was really incredible to see Molly and Gabriel experience it for the first time. They were such beach babies!
Only in beachland can you be an oceanside DIVA.

Beach snacks are the BEST food you could eat because your tummy is always a little hungrier in beachland.
Beachland is great for castle building...

and letting it all hang out...

The beach is the perfect setting for a debate with papa...

And some quality time with your cousins.

Beach life is just SO MUCH FUN...

Personally, what better way is there to welcome summer than with poolside swimming

And popsicles...

Outings in beachland can be very busy...

And full of adventures (especially if you are given a small metal weapon)

Looking back... This was the perfect getaway for our family and one that we are SO thankful for!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Sun

Now this is my kind of life. Salty air, bedside beachy noises and cute little kiddos sporting their naked swimsuits at bath time... it can't get much better than this!

Unfortunately I am without a USB so I will just leave you with a few favorite memories so far ---and you can create your own mental pictures!

Favorite Moments:

Apparently according to Gabriel you must GROWL like a Dino when crossing the Mississippi River and then laugh uncontrollably at 2 in the morning... it is the only way to properly break in a road trip.

Gabriel has loved all the nakedness and little clothing that occurs in beach land. He also has developed an affinity for naked peeing.

Molly has CONQUERED the big pool and now will not let anyone else touch her in the water...Jasmine likes to swim by herself please.

Kelly in a complete moment of showing off--- incredibly showing off--- his mad scattergories skills accidentally worked on list 11 while everyone else completed list 12. So funny!

The 6 year old of the group is the gal with ALL the ANSWERS--- it is amazing!!! Perhaps a future as a detective? Nancy Drew has got nothin' on this gal!

The truth is that I could have this relaxation feeling in my every day home life... I am working on it! for now though bring on the weeks worth of beach and sun while I figure out how to bundle up happy beachy land in the car for the long drive home!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Better than Barbara

Although, I doubt Barbara Walters ever got the "it's a wrap" from her special guest...

Sending happy beachy vibes your way...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Air Dry

Summer is all about spontaneity people. More hours of daylight definitely leaves room for increased opportunities to stir up some unstructured fun! Feeling like Sonic Mango limeades every day...why not? It is summer. Escaping to the beach for a week to leave all reality behind you--- go ahead--- it is summertime.

Feel the sudden urge to ride home naked after happenstance led you to a spray park sans swimsuit... no judgement here... summer time... well close enough at least to pretend that it is summer and because you are under two it is not considered indecent exposure...just stinkin' cute nudity.

Let the summer fun begin!