Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Present Ever!

Today is my birthday and while it is only half way through the day, I already have had the BEST day. I don't quite know that there is a better feeling than waking up to a 55 degree morning after what seems like an eternity of upper 90's... and yet, here we are. Hello, Fall.

~I mean, what is better than birthday breakfast with open windows?

~Exploring and going on a dino dig with my two little favorites?!

Throw in a train ride, fresh squeezed lemonade and a morning of NO fighting?! Is anything really better than that??!!
Oh wait, something is. My birthday present. BEST present of the year... too bad it won't arrive until sometime around April 11, 2011.

It's okay though... totally worth the wait! Here is to what I KNOW will be a wonderful and exciting new year!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Chair

When Molly was little one of my childhood friends bought her this adorable little pink rocking chair. I think it could also come apart and be a puzzle or something but it always seemed a little too challenging so I never attempted it. Molly loved her little pink chair! In fact, once Gabriel was born he too would climb into the chair on occasion which usually sent Molly on some major meltdown about losing her "stuff". I swear, that child has a bunch of stuff and apparently, her brother is always trying to take it from her.

I have often contemplated buying Gabriel is own little chair so that he could have some place to read books... but like so many things it seems... those plans get sort of put on a VERY distant back burner where perhaps the gaslight is out?

Never fear though. I seemed to have birthed "Mr. Innovative" and the situation is completely under control and much more to his liking than some boring ole rocking chair.

Meet Gabriel's most favorite chair these days.

He tilts it up, leans it at the PERFECT angle on the wall so that it doesn't roll away and has a nice little sit. He even uses the top of the truck as a foot rest.
Leave it to my two-year-old to fix all the forgotten projects. Smarty pants and cute. Definitely a keeper.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This Guy

This right here is what it is all about. The all too telling look of love.

The type of love that could only muster this type of team work
for lengths of time.

This love is even greater than all the chocolaty goodness that making desserts can bring... so you know that is a LOT of love.

So much love that you actually feel that your smile might burst off your face!

The best kind of love indeed because you see... it is this guy love.

And we couldn't imagine a better type of love in this life! Happy Birthday, Kelly!!! (even if this blog post is a day late)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A little sunshine

So, today was not stellar. In fact, it felt far from it at times. I felt pretty lousy today and quite possibly won the world's worst Mommy award with the amount of kid movies watched at our home this afternoon. Well, we did sneak outside during the morning hours so at least there's that. I think that we are all perhaps fending off the tummy bug that has apparently plagued our neighborhood. What better reason to stay inside, no?

Well, it was a good plan until the AC broke. Our unit decided to freeze over so we had to let it thaw out... and while it did get a little warm in the house it could have been way worse... I believe the high was only something like 87 today? 90? That's practically winter here :) As I write this we are sitting at a nice and comfy 74 and the AC guys will be back in the morning to try and find why it is we had the freeze up... just as long as it doesn't happen again, I am happy!

So, not the best day. We did a few moments that brought some much needed sunshine...

1. Molly took our inside afternoon as a chance to make some very lovely portraits of Mommy and Daddy. My favorite part is that she left them on our pillows to find. This gal is an intense pen artist and I have to tell you she has quite a talent... looks just like Kelly, no?

And I have some awesome teeth. Look at the detail of my hair... serious concentration here because that is all in pen. Short, quick, fiery little strokes... a true insight into the artist.

Another sunshine to the day is that we bought these great tower fans. I have been meaning to get them for a while because my mom swears by hers. We love them... Gabriel loved it so much that he took this opportunity to air dry in front of it... in nothing but his cowboy hat and high heels. Too bad I didn't get that on film.
Here's to a cooler and better tomorrow!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Miller Family Weekend

Okay, so I am just getting around to blogging about the holiday weekend. I know. Shameful. I have been busy though. The kiddos started preschool and I am now calling the hospital my home away from home (loving every minute, though.) It is still pretty shameful.

Over the holiday weekend our entire Miller side of the family paid a visit to the Georgetown/Austin area. Thanks to my mother-in-law's awesome picture taking skills, I now have some documentation. I unfortunately missed all the hoopla at Grandma and Grandpa's because I was working---- they sure looked like they had fun! Can't wait for the next visit!

Gabriel can't seem to get enough time with Gigi's car. And quite frankly, neither can I... such a fun car to drive!

I was really excited that my sister-in-law and nieces were able to spend the night with us! It was their first visit to our Austin home and we were really excited to have overnight guests! And while it was such a quick little visit, it was definitely of GREAT quality! Come back and play Hosler's and don't forget Uncle Lee!!!
Gigi really got some great shots of the kids at one of our new favorite parks.

Pretty much about an hour after these were taken a monsoon descended on the Austin area by the name of Hermine... wet wet week but decent weekend weather! And though I never thought I would say it... I would be okay with a little more rain, as long as it brought with it some cool cool weather.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

Well, it sure was an exciting morning here at the May household. Today marked a new milestone for our life in Austin in that it was BOTH kids first day of preschool! I can't begin to tell you how strange it is to be kidless for the first time in oh, 2.5 years. It warms my heart so much to know that Molly and Gabriel are right there together in the same little school. Kelly and I saw this as a little preview to all the years that they will be right by each other at school, passing in the halls and seeing each other on the playground. See... children born 18 months apart are chaotic in the beginning but definitely have a few special perks down the road.

Molly has taken this opportunity to be the "big sister" here and spent all last night telling Gabriel about school. She even told him that if he got sad he could come and give her a hug. If only I could replay that moment on video over and over again for the rest of my life than all would be well.

But back to school. It was undoubtedly, quite unfathomly the smoothest transition to school ever. Turns out my stage 4 clinger might have been a little bit more ready for school than we thought... at least for today. His breakfast was eaten standing up, wearing his backpack in jammies. Excited much?

He wouldn't even take it off to snuggle with Daddy and watch some cartoons.

Miracle of all miracles was that their first day of school apparel actually stayed clean all the way up to drop off. Molly and Gabriel are both sporting their new school shoes. Stride Rite did not disappoint... apparently, they specialize in fitting potato shaped feet.

Molly is all about the posing these days.

Due to the monsoon outside, all pictures were kept inside.

Off we go... "rain brellas" in tow.

Molly is actually upstairs at her new school which she thinks is the coolest thing ever! Here is at the top of the stairs about to turn down her hall. What an old pro. She could have walked in the building all by herself. Too bad she has sappy parents that cramp all that independence.

We specifically saved Gabriel for last because he is notorious for having mini-melts at the thought of leaving Mommy and Daddy. We didn't want Molly to model Gabriel's reactions and have a hard drop off too. So off to Gabriel's class we went. It is farm themed and he LOVES it.

Does this look like the face of a nervous schooler? Um, no.

He couldn't get us out of there fast enough. He just wanted to play cars. Hopefully, his new found love of school can stick around because this morning sure felt nice and easy. And I didn't cry (at least not today so that counts :)
I did have all these lofty plans of running a million errands but thanks to good ole' Tropical Storm Hermine, pajama pants and a good book sounded much more my style. Oh, and this too...
I have already learned that I am apparently not much fun for Rosie. She is bored and keeps giving me sad eyes. It seems she misses her puppies. I keep telling her they will be home in no time but she doesn't seem to understand. I didn't have the heart to tell her this is our new life two days a week. Live and learn, Rosie.

Hoping for easy afternoon with two overly-tired preschoolers. Stay tuned.