Hey kid.
It would seem I went and blinked and suddenly, this happened.
Chronic dry-eye be damned, I shan't be doing that again.
A week ago, you fell asleep on top of your Dad during Ghostbusters wearing a Chewbacca onesie with your fat little hand all smooshed up against your face and I swear for like two seconds, it was like looking at a mammoth version of your 1-month-old, Baby Gabey self. It was pretty much my favorite moment of the year. Same snuggled tummy sleeper with your puppy paws and round ole' rump launched proudly in the air just a-sleepin' through all the excitement on top of your favorite guy in the world. All these years later and in that moment, it was as if nothing had changed. Such a treat for my heart.
Oh, buddy. What a year! All things Minecraft have merged in to the land of YouTube and Roblox, your friends and you are now developing ferocious appetites, your room is starting to smell like if feet and farts were to have a baby, you proudly take off with your sister on bikes with gears, through the neighborhood and you proclaimed that you have "finally become an expert at defensive soccer." Finally. Big changes.
Some things still remain the same though. You can't for the life of you remember to put your clothes in the hamper and leave it two feet away from there at all times. Many times, we are still often left looking for one shoe as we frantically need to be somewhere and you always seem to remember exactly where it is as we are about to pull away and leave you for dead. You still have the craziest palate of any human I have ever met and your insatiable curiosity continues to both get you in trouble and/or completely leave us dumbfounded on a daily basis. So many sentences start with, "Hey Mom, did you know..." and yet I can never ever predict what is about to come out next. NEVER. EVER. PREDICT. IT. A couple weeks or so ago, you had to know how many stars were falling from the sky at the exact minute you were born and if that had anything to do with the number of earthquakes that would happen in the world that year. I just walked out of the room because, Son... I HAVE NO FREAKIN' IDEA and quite frankly, Mom has run out of responses to some of these questions.
10 years, Son.
Your quirkiness, comedic timing and gorgeous little dimple light up my heart in more ways than you could ever imagine. A decade with you... what a dream come true.
Love you so.
**** turn up the music and enjoy!
Double Digits. from Julie May on Vimeo.