I have come to realize that life has too much noise.
Perhaps it is the daily grind, balancing of the school assignments, field trip dues, managing work schedules, doctor checkups and the incessant to-do list constantly compiling in my overcrowded brain.Too much sound and structure that keeps our calendars so busy and our bodies in constant motion. All of it... for whatever the reasons... it makes me tired.
And it is not just me. It is everywhere. This is a busy season of living, no?
So, when granted the opportunity to step away, unplug, and just open your calendar to boundless adventures. You don't just casually accept it but rather you seize it for all the beautiful freedom that it can be.
Because... it is in the silly
dirtiest day of play...
That you discover your ability to fly...
Way up, up, up in the trees...
Or just underneath...
that the wind moves you.
For whatever aches your soul and makes you weary in the world...
it is in this place that you are not alone.
There is always someone beside you... to help teach you the way.
Big and small... we all need a little time to cool down...
rest our bodies...
and surround ourselves in people we love.
If there is anything of pride that I will take away from parenting, it will be that my children were allowed to just play. It is my hope that through this, they come to know that life is adventurous, magical and messy and always best when surrounded by people that love you for the beautiful person that you are inside.
Give love and let life live. Sounds about right to me...