I have always believed that a closed door to a dream in your life is really just an opportunity to pause and look at your aspiration from a different vantage point.
Perhaps you should try a window...
It seems as I grow older I am slowly losing a little bit of the spontaneity that I have always effortlessly maintained. Perhaps it is the stress of raising a family or maybe just the sheer act of aging but regardless… I am becoming so much more of a planner. (Mom, are you jumping for joy?)
I am learning that planning does have its perks. Planners make lists and get to experience the happiness that comes with crossing something off a list…man, that feels great! You can actually see visible proof that you are moving closer to your goal… I love this. In spontaneous living there is that immense drive that comes with delving into a project and just seeing where it leads you… the unknown can be so invigorating… anyone with me here?
So, I have decided that I would like to have both and make it a combo, please. It may not be something that I can control but the planner in me is going to try. In life there are few things that you can completely predict the outcome. Lists and goals help set you in the right direction and give you a start to something potentially amazing. And when that door closes to the path before me (as it often can) and I am faced with something new, unplanned and foreign - my spontaneous person will stop, look out the window and just soak in the endless possibilities... because sometimes the biggest surprises…