As these summer days are coming to a close, we are quickly trying to get in some summery activities... did I mention school starts for BOTH kids next week? That is right, world. For the first time in 2.5 years I am going to be kid free for 2 days a week. Oh, the possibilities... which really just equates to more possible shifts at the hospital... with the occasional coffee date of course!
This past Saturday was glorious. By glorious I mean obligation free and COOLER... cooler as in 92 degrees versus 107. We'll take it. We were so excited to try Central Market's Saturday Night concert. First of all, I am going to throw this out there--- the North Lamar Central Market is the BEST most AWESOME family friendly store I know of. Like how I threw out the "I know of part"? Leaves me some room to slowly back out of my committal statement once proven wrong. I'm sneaky like that.
Anyways, we love this place. This playground is INCREDIBLE and it is very likely where we will be having Gabriel's 3rd birthday there. Yep, at the grocery store because that's how we roll. On Saturday nights they have live music and great dinner specials. This past Saturday was a group that played lots of salsa. And who doesn't like that?
This girl sure does. She came FANCY sporting her Barbie sticker Bindi

and super awesome topsy tail... sans topsy tail device. I know. I rock.