Do you see this picture?

It is a memory that has been forever etched in my heart—with a few
teensy improvements. This is the exact spot that Kelly proposed to me more than 4 years ago... back when we were just Julie and Kelly. In the grand scheme of life I know that four years is minuscule. It is high school, it is how long it takes to pay a car note (in my case…4 years plus), you
aren’t even vested yet. I get this. But for me, it is my whole world.
The future is a funny thing. There are very few- if any- moments in life where you can look ahead the path and see if it all pans out the way that you hope it will. It is like reading the last page of a book first. Life just
doesn’t work that way… at least not normally. Most times, you just have to leap. Trust your insight, pack a little faith and hope with you for good measure and give it all you got. And sometimes you get REALLY lucky. I know I did.
When Kelly asked me to marry him I knew that the answer was yes instantly…just wish I had showered before the proposal. Kelly is the love of my life – why
wouldn’t I want that for always? I
leapt. Had Kelly said, “Julie, you are the love of my life. I promise to love when you have back surgery two years from now, protect you from our crazy neighbor in a year, laugh with you when we find out we are pregnant in 7 months, panic when we find out we are pregnant again the following year, race you to see who can change the fastest diaper, watch every episode of sex in the city with you and always leave my underwear on the bathroom floor- with love” the answer would have still been yes… although I might have been a little dizzy and perhaps cried for different reasons... :)
But now, standing just shy of four years of marriage and seeing our most beautiful blessings standing in such a beautiful memory --- my heart just might burst. Bring on the debt, hardship and sleepless nights… I say yes to it all… because my happiness…

is all I can seem to remember at the end of the day.