Thursday, August 2, 2018

The fourth is four.

Hey, hey birthday babe...

Rockin' the big O-4.

I can already tell it is going to be such a magical year.


Oh sweet, Nanner-pajamers. There was maybe never a more magical unicorn of a kid. I asked you this week what you wanted for your birthday and you leaned in super close, put your nose smooshed against my cheek and whispered, "Hmm. How bout' some fun?"

I mean. DONE. 

Quite honestly, you could have asked for the moon and I would have gone over and beyond to capture our moon and all those others that circle Saturn or Jupiter or somewhere else really far away. 

In pressing you a little further for some birthday wishes you followed with "Ooooh. A walk for Rosie and maybe a new leash." You make the best, best friend. I am sure if Rosie George could walk you on her birthday she totally would. I mean TOTALLY.

I guess what I mean to say is that twos are supposed to be tough and three's typically reign in drama but sister, these days are breezy and the sunshine has just continued to warm up my heart EVERY DANG DAY. You might be made of mostly magic, or maybe after all these years I FINALLY FIGURED OUT PARENTING... or maybe (read: probably) we really are just better together. Magical, face-smooshing, birthday wishing for dog walks and some fun kinds of better together.

You are a golden light in my soul, little miss and I am excited for all the bits of joy to come. Last year of preschool, first year of tap/ballet with buddies, two days a week of you and me time before the chaos of life in the big school sets in. 

This magical life of loving you. Such a blessing. Happy birthday, lady sprite. 


*****Turn up the volume*****

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