So Long Carbohydrates...
Well, we found out last Friday that I will be losing a few dear friends for the next 8-9 weeks. Potatoes, Pasta and my dear beloved bagels will have to be in rare form- because as Kelly puts it: "I have got the betes". Gestational Diabetes that is. It really isn't that big a deal- it does however call for a few lifestyle changes. My meals are now on a daily regimented low carb plan where I test throughout the day to measure my glucose levels. I am starting to get the hang of it. I am not going to lie...those M&Ms were really calling my name today! It definitely is going to be a little tough to keep myself honest...but, Bellito is completely worth it. The main thing that we are working for is a healthy baby! One of the risks associated with gestational diabetes is really large babies that are weighing the pros and cons I kicked the carbs out!
I was really at this point going to show new Bellito pictures but, alas...I have yet to scan. That is the project for this weekend! Belly pictures too. I had my 31-week appointment last week and everything looked great! I now have this massive in the front belly that Molly likes to show the world when we are out and about... she has decided that lifting up Mommy's shirt to tickle me is SO FUN! Not so fun for mommy.
At the appointment, Bellito's heart rate was at a thumping 130 bpm. It sounded like a galloping horse on the doppler- so if we are going by my sister's weird test then we are having a boy...please note, we have no confirmed evidence...just fun little games to guess. Baby is head down now and BUSY! Every once and awhile you can see the curve of the knee stick out. It makes Kelly a lot-bit nervous. I can't believe that we will be meeting our little peanut so soon.
On a totally different has been a little insane for the May Family. Although, it is Christmas season- should I have expected anything less? We found out a couple weeks ago that Kelly's company was sold. It will officially cease to exist on my due date. For those of you that did not know, Kelly has been on the job search for a little bit now trying to make it easier with baby number 2. So even though Kelly was planning on is really sad to know that Metropolitan will no longer exist! Kelly has the most amazing co-workers! We love them all! My biggest wish this Christmas was for us to have a plan. After such amazing support from friends/family and some incredible prayers...the plan has arrived.
Yesterday, Kelly resigned at Metropolitan Newsletter and accepted a position in the Advertising/Publishing Department at the new AT&T branch in Dallas. This is going to be such an amazing new direction for our little family. I had an amazing lesson in patience in the past few days... it was definitely needed. I am so proud of Kelly for sticking it out through the horrible process of interviewing with companies and coming up with an amazing solution for our family. I just love him so much!
Other then that it has been Christmas crazy time! Especially at the hospital...SO BUSY preparing donations/gift/special events for the patients and families... I have also been completing Christmas shopping for family this is crunch time. As a way to save our sanity we have vetoed sending Christmas cards this year (we had such a cute picture though!) will not be getting a Christmas card from us but we wish all the joys of the holiday and new year!!! You can just get some fun birth announcement mail in February!!!
I can't believe it is just days until it ever slow down?
1 comment:
Merry Christmas!! Congrats on the new job, Kelly and Julie...take care of yourself and baby! Sounds like you guys are doing great! Miss you lots!
Myriah & Adam
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