She sticks her finger in my ear after fishing out a booger.
She loud and fast and full of gas…
Steals my legos, fronts with sass…
Quite the little pain in my a…
Oh! That little sister.
She steals my breakfast every day
NEVER follows my rules.
She makes my dinos dance and prance
She pirates all my tools.
For all the time I tell her no. And stop. And don’t. And go…
She’ll just look at me with this little smirk
Like she’s
the boss… you know?
My mom tells me that she’s just small.
That soon, she’ll play my way.
She’ll learn to roar and stomp and race
Stop driving McQueen out of his space…
She’ll throw a spiral with ease and grace
Perhaps... that time's today?
My sister makes me crazy head…worse than any other…
But for all her noise and smells and fits...
She’s sure cuter than a brother.
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