Friday, May 10, 2013

Fantastical Friday

The countdown to life without alarm clocks is officially underway. In fact, there are a lot of countdowns going these days...

26 days of school left
24 days til we close on the house
35 days until we move
42 days til we take to the beach

I won't tell you how many days till the packing starts because I have decided to not countdown that. For everyone's sake.

There's a lot of exciting on the horizon and that feels quite fantastical indeed. My pinterest boards definitely reflect it all.

But this recent change....NO training wheels and the zipping away on two wheels was beyond fantastical. Molly turned downright green with fantastical envy. Her balance will come in time...once she stops loading the basket of her bike down with robotic puppies. Those dang puppies.

Gabriel Rides! from Julie May on Vimeo.

One last thing to check out before starting your weekend. Look at all these incredible places in the world. My photography bug has been itching again and I am feeling the need to create big time. I need to remember to look at my countdown list and see that I have a LOT on my plate already.... so these pictures definitely fill that need.

Have a fantastical weekend, friends!

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