Monday, April 28, 2008

Elmo takes a swim.

hmmm... it might be time to focus a little less on the play and more on the actual using of the potty...


Heather Anderson said...

Molly is just so adorably sassy! Love her!

Anonymous said...

So cute!! But what is that on Molly's head? Facepaint?

Hey- I put a link to your blog on my blog. I hope that's okay (if not, let me know)... just wanted to share the May cuteness :)

Crazy May Days said...

She is wearing face paint... we had gone to the arboretum that morning to play and they had a face painter...Molly thought it was Make Up!

raul said...

Did you rescue Elmo, or consign him to the deep??

Anonymous said...

your bathroom colors look great in the pictures! what a silly little molly.

Crazy May Days said...

Raul, it was a deep sea mission. All I can say is I am so glad that registered for such a mighty spatula. See heather- I use my cooking utensils for something...this might be an outcry for cooking lessons.

The Rogers Triplets said...

We are officially ready for a playdate. Call me or e-mail me. I REALLY want to get out of the house!