Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well that's the gospel truth.

Today I learned a VERY valuable lesson about a two year old ability to speak the truth to anyone that will listen.
Molly, Gabriel and I were going to a new mommy play group today with some other mommies from our church. It was at my cousin's house so I have to admit I wasn't as nervous as I could have been. With that said, it is a little scary being the newbie and I guess a little social anxiety is not out of the ordinary- at least not for me. I wanted to make a great first impression. So yes, Gabe did have my spit to clean his face in the car and Molly might have used the inside of her shirt to wipe her nose. But really, who sees that part.
The entrance to the house is up a large stair walkway. The whole way up I was lugging Gabriel in one arm with the diaper bag and Molly was holding my other hand. When we reached the top right before we rang the doorbell it was time for adjustments. Molly and I had a little dialogue that went something like this.
"Hold on Molly. Mommy needs to fix her shirt. Gabey has made it a little bit booby."
We ring the door bell. Feeling confident. Walk in the house. First word out of my daughter's mouth to the LARGE room of women... "My mommy has a booby shirt". Followed by, "hello...nice to meet you"
Hooray first impressions. Gotta love that honesty and lack of social filter.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! That's my girl. Just get all that awkward social graces part out of the way up front and then you can just be yourself! :) Was it a success besides the introduction?

Emily said...

Hilarious Julie!

Emily said...
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