Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Comfort Positions in Medical Procedures

One of my HUGE pillars that I stand behind in the profession of Child Life is the advocacy for comfort positions in medical procedures. While this concept might seem like such a minuscule platform in regards helping a child best cope to hospitalization, in reality, many of a child's first hospital encounters is typically through a procedure (most likely in the Emergency Department). If you can increase the child's level of control from the start, all the while providing him/her with constant support and involvement of caregivers than their overall ability to cope with the full hospitalization is only that much better.

It is like what I believe in all things in regards to children---- start with a successful beginning and you have a better chance of lifetime of positive growth and development. This is why I have a special place in my heart for all you kindergarten teachers in this world too.

Back to comfort positions. The best thing about a position of comfort is that you are allowing a child to be comforted by the person they need most---their parent--- all the while handling a very scary and often uncomfortable procedure in the most supported way possible. It works. Just know--- sometimes it just takes a parent to ask about it in a medical setting. Oh, the power we parents can hold.

Comfort positions can be utilized in doctor's offices, in the hospital and in everyday home-life (hello, bulb syringe and snotty nose... anyone?) Several of my colleagues are specifically presenting on this topic at our professional conference in Chicago this summer (SO WISH I COULD GO!).... so you can imagine my excitement to have an opportunity to support a concept I care so greatly about. (Hint... look for some cute familiar faces :)

Who knows, maybe you will too.

This is the initial cut--- the extended fancy version will be available after conference :)

*don't forget to pause some music on the side

1 comment:

Max said...

I just watched this whole video. I love this, Julie. I wish that there were child life specialists when I was a kid and in the hospital so much. I know it would have been so much more of a positive experience if I had had someone like you there with me. Thank you for posting this! Love you!