So. Here's some good news to the 2 people that follow our blog---we are still alive. Our Austin home did not fall in to a great November 1st sink hole. Here we are just rocketing through this holiday season. Anyone else still snacking on Halloween candy out there and look up to see that this week is Christmas? Holy Cannoli! I am so thankful for Amazon Prime and that lovely 2 day delivery. Without it, holiday shopping just may not have happened this year. Been a little hard to map our ever-commuting family these days.
Well, basically for this past month, we feel very much like Dallas residents again. This Thanksgiving, we were able to go to Dallas for a nice week long visit. It was a great chance for us to have some quality time with each of our families which was long overdue since we hadn't been back to Dallas since July. There was pie night and cookies with Gigi, cousin park time and a rather exquisite cousin talent show. The Thanksgiving season felt different, empty in some spaces with some missing loved ones but joyful in the parts between. Ain't nothing wrong with a little bit o' joy.
I will say, I am continually in awe of how life continues in stride long after key people we love are no longer here. Pie night has always been my most favorite memory with my Granny. While, the pies will never taste as good as they did with her sitting beside me, spices in hand---what she grew and created with her little bakers is perhaps even sweeter than pie.
For traditions.
For family...
But most of all, I was thankful for time.
Typically, when we come home to Dallas, the first place that we head is to my Mom's. She is always home, the lights are on and the house is alive ready to welcome her guests. Thanksgiving lunch is always so loud, so full of family at Grandma's, only silenced for but a minute while Grandma says grace. This year, the house was empty when we arrived. My mom had moved in with my Grandmother to be her supportive company on her last little journey of cancer. Thanksgiving didn't include all our cousins and aunt/uncles because what was needed most this time was calm and quiet.
Such a very different Thanksgiving, and yet there was such a great opportunity to have quiet, individualized time with our favorite Irish gal. Each of my children were there to visit with her... Lucy even snuck in one last open-mouthed kiss. We drove home weary, quiet and thankful. It was of little surprise that our Thanksgiving trip was our last visit with Grandma. She died the next week. Such a special visit that I will treasure for always. For the cousins, aunts, uncles and friends that were greatly missed at Thanksgiving... so many were there to celebrate Grandma's life in the way that she would have most house, busting at the seams with the people she loved most in the world.
Joy. Laughter. Traditions. Family. Time.
So thankful for it all.
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