Thursday, April 9, 2015

Some Texas Blue

Living in Texas the seasons here don't typically follow predictable patterns. Sure it may be "spring" but in some cases that can include a 40 degree temperature change with late ice, rain and then bright summer sun... all in the same day. You learn to roll with it.

While I ADORE the possibility of spring inclement weather... not for all the damage but more for all the colorful weather maps... it too is no consistent marker of a specific Texas season.

When I need to know that spring is coming... and with it the hope of less February gray and the more days of whispy, welcoming blue... I don't look to the sky, rather I look to the ground.

On the hunt for these bad boys. 

I can't begin to describe the joy I feel in my heart...

when I look out to a field full of dazzling blue...

Spring is my most favorite time to live in the Texas Hill Country. Sure you have the battling of horrendous allergies...quite possibly from what I have read the very worst place in the entire country for allergies... BUT you get Roundtop antique week, waterholes, wine tours, hiking trails, strawberry farms, hill country camping... so very many opportunities to just explore and live in the sunshine...

Not to mention a great excuse to get some cutey shots of my little people.

Hill Country goodness?? BRING. IT. ON.

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