So, as I gaze at my sleeping 20-month-old on the monitor, we are just going to tiptoe back a little in time to good ole' Feb 3rd where we celebrated this little Missy's half birthday.
18-months bitty bit! Seems so short but in many ways there were some looooong days in there too. Time is funny that way.
18-Month-Old Stats
Height: 28 inches (<1%)
Weight: 19.0 lbs (8%)
This girl is a full fledged toddler!! She is running, walking, complaining right along with the bigger Mays. Hard to believe that Feb 2nd marked the one year anniversary of Annie in her first Spica cast. I look at her now and can't believe all the things that she is able to do. A child's resiliency is unlike any other superpower I have ever known. These little people make the HULK look like a wimp for sure.
At 18-months, aside from Mommy (her beloved!!) comes a continued deep love of all things "Ro. Ro". Good ole' Rosie George. She lets Annie just torture her from sun up to sun down. I don't feel too bad for her though because loving on Annie means that she will feed you the very best scraps from her plate when she is done eating. I like to think that they have mutual understanding. Tolerance of Abuse = delicious people food. Yeesh. I might need to rethink things. Rosie might be a battered woman.
Are these the eyes of a dog pleading for freedom? Say it ain't so!
Annie continues to be deathly afraid of the Rudy's car wash, the vacuum cleaner and the scale at her pediatrician's office. Her crying on the scale sure is a lot cuter than when I cry on the scale at my doctor's office.
We went for her 18-month well check and helping a friend out, I thought it would be easy breezy taking her two daughters along for the appointment. I mean, we are talking the easiest 4th child on the planet here.
Two seconds after this picture, once inside the doctor's office ... one ANNABEL MAY lost her S&!*
Like woah.
Her little friends and myself were speechless. Seems 18-months is when you decide you HATE your doctor. Fully noted and we will no longer submit little buddies to that sort of raw version of Annie.
When not freaking out at a doctor office, Annie has been having a bunch of fun with friends these last couple months.
If only she weren't such an aggressive lover. (Think form tackling friends just to kiss them.) It really is
At least she found one man that doesn't mind a nice strong woman.
It's only a matter of time before they figure out just how adorable they are for each other... right???
18-months. You are full of all kinds of new. Like eat with a fork better than my 8-yr-old brother, Mama's signed me up for preschool next year sorts of new.
That's right world. This girl's going places.
Consider yourself warned.
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