Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We have dilation!

That is right...Bellito has officially started the decent to the outside world! Today was a baby day! Boy, did I have a list of questions! For the past few days, I have just felt that my body finally realized that it was 9 months pregnant. I just knew there was some big change. Sure enough...I was right! So here it is...

I am now dilated to 1 cm. and am 50% effaced. Now, this doesn't mean that the baby is coming like tomorrow or anything but perhaps in the next two weeks! HOORAY! I can't wait to meet our newest little addition! This weekend will be all about finishing last minute details!

Bellito has definitely grown and had a healthy heartrate of 135 bpm... It is officially time to make your guesses...For all you OCH gang out there we are starting a poll...feel free to earn some money on behalf of Bellito!

How could a post be complete without the long awaited- not so flattering- belly shots. Molly decided that if Mommy got to lift up her shirt...so did she!

Happy Baby Day!


Carole said...

Yay! I can't wait to meet the baby:)

And those pics are totally flattering! You look great!

Carole said...

Yay! I can't wait to meet the baby:)

And those pics are totally flattering! You look great!

Anonymous said...

Those pics are adorable! And definitely flattering!
I'm ready to place bets!

Anonymous said...
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Crazy May Days said...

Hmmm... I wonder why my blog is doubling comments...

The Rogers Triplets said...

I vote girl on February 22nd.

Anonymous said...

holy guacamole batman you are huge! i can't wait for the baby (as you could probably guess by my frantic phone call last weekend- sorry about that). how were those litte smokies?