So today was a much needed pick-me-up. I haven't really gone too much into it on the ole' blog here but the lonely bug has slowly crept its way into the May abode on several occasions. Not wanting to outwardly identify the icky feeling, I had decided to just take some time to process through it. Kelly is really putting some much needed focus into his new job and I have found that there are a LOT more hours in the day now that I am no longer working 25+ hours a week. While I love my Austin friends, I am also used to playing during the day with other little families. All this extra time to just 'hang' by myself with the kids had left me missing our friends in Dallas that much more. It didn't help that book club was last week too. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE book club? Can't wait for the August one where I can actually go.
I knew that it would take a little time to get adjusted. In fact, it still will take time. And I continue to note that it has only been 3 weeks that I have lived here. It wasn't until the adrenaline of moving/training at work settled that I even started to feel a little lonely. It always seems so nice and easy to want to rush back to the comfort and security of home...ya know? I needed to start to make this home too. So I have tried. And these past two days have been FABULOUS.
About 3:30 yesterday I heard a couple little quiet knocks on our front door. Peering out, I saw that the neighborhood had come over for a little fun. Impromptu play dates? These are my kind of people. The kids had SO much fun playing in the house... all 8 of them. It was at this moment that I fell in LOVE with my street. All the kids run throughout the day from each other's yards and all the parents sit around and visit. At lunch, Kelly came home and blew up our pool in the yard and after nap it was neighborhood pool party at the May house. At one point there were 8 adults and 8 kids in my front yard.
When I ran in for more chairs I snapped a quick picture from Gabey's window to show Kelly. And yes, this was an undercover photo because I didn't want to scare my new friends off with my nerdiness right away ;)
It was a fun day and felt a bit like home too. Yet another reminder that the good things in life really are worth waiting for.
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