So, I have been an absent blogger. A very absent blogger. I know what you are thinking ... this pregnancy getting me down...taking its toll on my energy levels... leaving little time to fit in non-essentials in my day like blog writing... no?
Well, I am going to let you in on a shameful little secret. I feel really good right now minus the random kicks and need to pee at a moments notice. Babyland is very happy. I'll get back to that. The shameful truth behind my bad blogging ways is Hunger Games. Darn you, Hunger Games. My book club read this book back when I was in that superfun pukey stage and I just couldn't do it--- clearly my loss. So, when I finally delved in the book last Saturday who knew that just 5 days later I would have read THE ENTIRE TRILOGY. Now, I am dying to talk about it and very likely will be scheduling a VERY delayed book conference with my Dallas gals. 5 days + 3 books = crazy lady dreams. It is over. And while I am silently mourning the loss of great mental escape that only a great book can bring (the readers out there know EXACTLY what I mean) I definitely have more time on my hands for important things. Like parenting. And showering. And you know, enjoying other things in my day... like fun little photo sessions.
Meeting Molly and Gabriel was incredible because we had NO idea who we were meeting until the moment they arrived. My favorite part was the months leading up to delivery when EVERYONE we came in contact had their own expert opinion on the gender of our child. Sometimes exact same reasons for different genders. It was comedy at its finest and it was really fun.
But, you see... we like to change things up every now and again. Through the months of this pregnancy, it has become abundantly clear how much Molly and Gabriel would be more a part of the process of preparing for baby if they could have more tangible expectations of who our new little arrival would be-- gender and all. So, we tried something new.
Today was our anatomy sonogram. And while we didn't get the best pictures, we were so excited to see a sleepy, HEALTHY, curled up little nugget with Molly's long feet and Gabriel's identical sleeping positions... and yes, giant cheeks too. What we were even more excited about was our ability to finally put a name with this sweet baby growing inside of me. I have to say, it feels pretty wonderful.
Baby Lucy, we can't wait for April to get here!!!
Oh! This gave me chills! I have not been able to stop thinking about sweet baby Lucy! I am so so so excited to meet her soon! :-) Love to you all!
So exciting! Lucy will give Stella a run for her money to get Graham's attention. :)
I love the name Lucy! It is one of my top choices for a girl. So sweet. Congrats!
Congratulations May Family!! What exciting news!!!! Love the name Lucy and how fun to be having another girl :)
What I cutie!! :) Congrats again!! xoxo, Laura
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