Friday, July 15, 2011


Oh! I have so missed blogging... what a busy couple weeks of living. SO much to catch up on.  I'll start with our most recent adventure.
It seems that if you are able to log roll off the couch arm, fall 2.5 feet, then it is fairly possible that you might hit the hardwoods juuuuussst right to land yourself one nice little concussion and a visit to "Mommy's hospital". (Sorry Michael Dell, I know that you were the investor and all but to my kids, apparently I take all the credit.).

Oh Molly girl.

She fell, she cried, we painted some art projects, she quickly declined, became lethargic and capped it all off with several rendezvous in a throw-up bowl. She was a sad little mess of curls. Luckily, we were headed right to the perfect place. While the pay may not be great as a CCLS (way less than great!) and I am surrounded by sick kiddos all day (is there anything worse?!), getting to zoom through the waiting room, hand-pick your doctor, have the charge nurse love on your child and two awesome Child Life Specialists at bedside sure made me feel quite supported. And Molly, well once she returned to the girl we knew and loved... why, she was quite smitten with Dell CMC's ER. I believe there was even an "Ah man!" when it was time to go home.

I will say, my balance was thrown off with the home/work overlap. Two roles that I work fairly diligently to keep separated were quickly merged in to one. It is SO different to be on the other side of things when YOUR child is the patient in the emergency room. It definitely was a whole new perspective on my job. And in that moment, as I sat snuggle-bugged in the bed with my snoozing daughter, all the while surrounded by the most incredible advocates and caretakers for my little special, I started to think about rainbows.

Cute, perfect little five-toed rainbows---and the awesome man that painted them the night before.

The daddy that knew his daughter so well that the while there were only five toes... all six colors of the rainbow had better be represented ---even if only in the form of a blue/purple pinky toe combo. That knowing-you-all-the-way-through love--- it's my favorite type for sure. Sitting in that room... my heart started sending lots of unspoken love to this man, maintaining his post at home with our two other kiddos, worrying about his rainbowed toed oldest, just so my best friend could come in his place and snuggle with me bedside in a hospital room on her last night in town. The knitting friend beside me, hospital staff, grandparents texting from afar, neighbors that welcomed us home...why they all just further drove the message deep into the squishy feeling parts of my being...

we are so loved

And if life is a balance of the ups and downs, weathering the storms... than we are going to be just fine.

Whatever our life weather, we are so well loved through it all. Bright five-toed rainbow types of love... and that love is worth WAY more than a pot of gold.


Tiffany said...

So glad to hear that Molly's ok!

tiffanymiller said...

I needed to read this today Julie.
"Whatever our life weather, we are so well loved through it all." How is it that you always know what to say and just how to say it? I miss you friend.
So glad that Avery's bestie is okay. She said that she wanted to call but that Molly probably needed her rest :) But we plan to do so soon.