Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I've been giving a lot of thought these past few days on the idea of community.

Moving to Austin, that was HANDS DOWN the hardest part of leaving. I would wager it is for most people. We had such an awesome community of home. Yet, while all the squishy parts of our insides were nervously telling us to wait for another time... there was something a bit deeper calling us to leave. We listened.

For a bunch of the time in the beginning it sucked. Then one day, it didn't so much. Funny how that changes. Don't get me wrong, I still feel sad about missing my niece's birthday this year and man, would I would just about trade my first born for a state fair corny dog and GIANT pickle. Only kidding about that last part---most days. Dallas book club night still tugs at my heart EVERY.SINGLE.MONTH. And that's okay, because it means it is all so special to me. I expected that missing.

What I didn't expect was all the learning that has grown out of our move.

You see, for our family, we have learned that community grows like flowers. If you plant it, put in some effort and a bit of sunshine, something is going to grow. Might not be exactly what you had originally but that is even better. A garden is prettiest with all different flowers. Our garden sure seems quite beautiful these days.

In the past week, I saw both my parents in Austin. This weekend, we are camping with my in-laws and siblings. During birthday week (more on that to come!), I talked with so many specials in my life. Probably the best birthday gift ever. Three hours away from "home" and we are still feeling the love...

surrounded by fellow transplants...

and a good deal of locals...

celebrating the beginnings of great new adventures.

P.S. Having a rainbow shine RIGHT over you as you say your vows is just about the most magical thing ever. In case you were wondering.

I guess it is safe to say we're feeling pretty great. Rainbows, flowers and all.


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