Sunday, November 10, 2013


There is something to be said about taking a moment to step out of the grind, turn off all the buzzing in your brain and make way for fresh breezy skies and some very good company.

This past month, we scrubbed away our surface and served our children dirt, adventure and abundant tree climbing with their breakfast. Let me tell you, my picky eaters devoured it all. In fact, the grown ups did too.

Want to find the answer to that question echoing through your 9-5 head? Feeling behind on chores? Losing perspective? Weary from life? What better way to tackle that all then with a s'more in hand and the infinite outside as your witness? Pack it up and move on out.

You see, camping makes me brave.

It makes me free.

It makes me laugh in the parts of my heart that feel the most empty.

It brings out the silly.

The messy.

The weary from life.

Only to welcome in new light and endless possibilities.

There is no better community than that shared with friends watching your children on their very best day.  

On my very best day.

Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea and drink the wild air...

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