Ahh... a backyard full of trees means that...

we have a BUNCH of raking and sweeping to do this fall! Everyday the driveway is completely covered with a new batch of leaves. Molly and Gabriel are pretty big fans of all the piles...

Only in Texas can you rake fall leaves and wear your swim suit all in the same day.

The rest of the day was business as usual... gearing up for election day
and such. Molly is our financial analyst and is checking the stocks in her "office".
Although I LOVE your big trees, I'm not jealous of the yard work!
I love your new template. I've been reading your blog from my bloglines, so I haven't seen it. Cute!
Ooh! I love the new look! :) Very blog chic! ;)
There are so many leaves! Crazy! I love your line that only in Texas can you rake leaves and wear your swimsuit all in the same day. Too true!!
About your question you posted on my blog: I usually make my headers at www.scrapblog.com. They have templates you can take from, or make your own. I then just save it to my computer and add the document as a picture in place of the Title. Let me know if you have any questions!
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