Molly and Norah have a very special relationship. This is very very interesting to me. While I was pregnant with Molly I was going through a very intense Norah Jones phase. I used to put my headphone splitters on and would listen to one pair and have the other around my HUGE belly for Molly to enjoy. There is so much great research on the benefit of prenatal stimulation that I figured it could maybe nice for Molly to listen to some Norah too. My goodness did she listen to the car, in the shower, at night, in the was very much a Norah love fest at Casi Maggio. So of course when I was in labor and pushing out our beautiful gal...who do you think was serenading in the background? You guessed it... Miss Norah. The first music Molly heard entering to our part of the world was, "Come Away with me".
So this is where it gets interesting for me. Molly is busy... you all know this. She likes pop and rock and can even bust a' move quite well. With that said, no matter what music Molly is listening to at the moment she can always come back to Norah. Molly can be at the peak of insanity and she will instantly calm if I play Norah Jones. It has been this way since she was a newborn... even through gassy times...take that MYLICON.
How much do you think that it would freak Norah Jones out if years later Molly were to meet her at a concert here in Norah's hometown and explain to Norah that she was "born to her"? Hmm. Sounds a bit stalkerish to me.
Perhaps Molly should just love her from afar.
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