There is
soooo much to blog about but I think I will start with the most recent events. We now have a
schooler!!! This morning Molly started her first day of
Pre-K. She was SO excited!

the whole transition of going to school was easy breezy... no tears at all. Well, maybe a few
stifled by one daddy but he handled it like a champ too.
Molly loved everything about school this morning! She found her
cubbie... (notice the princess theme)

located the potty and then was SUPER ready to start playing and meeting friends. You bet we overheard her introducing herself as Princess Jasmine to people. We made a point to warn her teacher.

By the time we were about to leave she was READY to play and be done with pictures! Such a big girl!!!

Gabriel had a bit of a rude awakening when he found out that he didn't get to stay at school and play. Kelly is off all morning so we are having a nice little playtime with Gabe. This is the first time since birth that he had us to himself so I probably ought to get off blogger and go play! He is currently playing with all of Molly's forbidden toys and loving every minute of it!
More updates and hopefully a video post to come soon!
1 comment:
oh she is so stinkin cute!!
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