Wednesday, March 24, 2010


In the past few weeks I have had a bunch of people stop and ask me if my dynamic duo are twins. Yes, Gabriel has outweighed Molly since he was about 9 months old but let's face it--- no shocker--- Molly's always been a bit bony. Molly is still about a full head or at least a good half-a-head taller than Gabriel.

Perhaps it is because they play so well together now. We passed some HUGE hurtles this winter when we were trapped indoors for days at a time. Our house is small--- they had to learn to share. I mean, I guess there is a little resemblance...
Sitting down, they are about the same size largely in part to Gabriel's stubby legs. So yes, I guess they could pass as cute...
hilarious twinks to the casual observer.
and I have to say, I love it because it is another reminder of how doubly blessed these past several years have been. For all the hard days with our twinkies, the laughter makes up for it all...
Silly X 2? Sounds right to me.

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