Saturday, January 1, 2011


It is always a little strange for me to look back on a year of life. Some years I am left almost with a bittersweet longing because it was such a great year while others leaving me rushing for the start of a new adventure. 2010 for the May family was a HUGE time of transition. All in all--- it was not our favorite year. We have loved some of the memories we have made and are so thankful for the new found friendships in our lives now... but quite frankly, the unknowing of 2010 was a little stressful. This past year, Kelly and I both left our old jobs, started new ones parted with our hometown and welcomed a new city. The excitement of all the new was VERY much muted at times by the stress and loneliness that managed to creep in the unfamiliar parts.

Of all the things this year, I am most thankful for having a best friend right there with me to leap into something new... all the while keeping in check a healthy dose of the familiar. And I have to say--- I think our marriage is all the stronger for it.

So as we bid adieu to 2010, we remember our favorites to take away with us for the adventures to come in 2011.

January: For dance parties that warmed us up on really cold nights.
February: For the most MOST snow ever.
March: For the luck of the Irish.

April: For the return of green.

May: For VERY happy second chances.

June: For adventures that took us somewhere new.
July: For a bit of home right when we most needed it.

August: For a new love in our lives.
September: For the first new start of school--- together.

October: For favorite family traditions
November: For a very special night of celebrating.

December: For Henry and the magic of Christmas with small children

So here we are. 2011. Lots of new all wrapped up in a place that finally feels like home. Sounds like my kind of year indeed. Best wishes to your families on the start of this great new chapter.

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