Let's have a lovely little talk about winter weather--- shall we? You see, Mays and Cold don't really mesh so well. And yes, while I know Texas falls nowhere near on the higher levels of cold in the world ---that really means nothing to me. Come talk to me about your summer. Temperatures in the 20s and tots in shopping carts just really don't sound like my ideal sort of day. Unless, we are wearing heated undergarments or happen to have hot chocolate infused IVS... hmm. Now there is idea.
But no, when winter hits we Mays tend to take a different approach--- a bear like one. We hibernate. Almost exclusive indoors fun for us, please. Now, I have a tiny little conflict here in that I really don't like being indoors. Play has to get REALLY creative by day 5 and I just have to come to peace with the piles and mess. This is my constant work in progress. Too bad I am nesting.
This morning was sooo cold that I actually considered putting off a grocery store trip just ooooonnnneee more day. Unfortunately, this would have left us with a bag of pasta and some outdated evaporated milk perhaps for dinner. Not good options. So we muscled it through it and hurried back to our warm little house where the creative juices have been flowing...
and by this of course I mean wearing tutus on your head kind of creative fun.
Or looooong afternoon visits with some of your besties. (Look out our back window---would you want to be out there?)
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