Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life with Lucy

Well, we are home and finally feeling a little more settled. Rested? Um, not quite but a bunch more settled. The rested part is coming--- eventually.

Life with Lucy home definitely started a little germy. Remember that respiratory virus I had the week before... well, it spread like the bubonic plague. Our first day home and Molly was off to the doctor with day 4 of fever. The next day, was this little man for a respiratory infection that has settled in his chest. And our Lucy lady, well she has become quite the little glow-worm. She has had a doctor appointment for the past 4 days in a row to measure her bili levels. We are so thankful to take this bed home because being away from my other sick Mays would have almost been unbearable... while perhaps a safer option for Lucy.
LOTS of hand washing and some awesome infection control... I have this Lysol wipe (the purple one) that I couldn't imagine life without.
And while all that seemed a little intense, I have to say--- we are well! Molly is fever free, Gabe's chest sounds great and Lucy's levels are headed down. Things are a lot more carefree.
Molly and Gabriel are IN LOVE with their sister. Both however, have been a little annoyed with their parents. Apparently, telling a VERY excited big sister that she can't kiss her new baby sister deems you worthy of public enemy number one status. And Gabriel's regression is really strange and quite a post for another time. I'll just leave you with the fact that we found him in the wall after removing the vent and going for house adventure. Apparently, big brothers are thrill seekers?

To help Molly through the hard first days, we decided that she could help me with Lucy's first bath. I mean, her hands are in soap the entire time, right? MOLLY WAS ECSTATIC. Lucy... well...
She was skeptical but went with it...
And while she wasn't so sure she loved this whole bathing thing, she kept it cool and allowed an opportunity for Molly to have some fun. Such a supportive sister.
With the illness finally out, it meant that we had some time to celebrate a very special birthday girl!!! Best thing about this birthday party was that it was on our street and involved farm animals. We just love our neighbors so much...

This party was the PERFECT distraction for our kids, walking distance and provided this Mommy some MUCH needed down time--- and by downtime, I mean nursing and then taking a shower.

So it is Sunday and we are really looking forward to a great week! Nonnie arrives tomorrow for the week and we can't wait! We have just loved all our visitors. Note, if you visit--- Mays lack personal space and will definitely show you all their "tricks".
Here's to our second (almost) week with Lucy!


Max said...

That second lucy bath picture made me laugh out loud! hahaha! I miss you guys already!

Unknown said...

Lucy is so precious! I can't wait to meet her. Hope y'all are doing well!

sarah said...

oh Julie shes just perfect!!! :)