Monday, June 13, 2011

My morning coffee

The stars have aligned. My typical Monday morning greets us all too early with the usual hrummmp of having to say goodbye to the weekend (and Daddy for the day!) and hello to productivity and routines. We (mainly me)  usually spend a bit of the morning in a pout. Oh weekends, how I love you!

But today. Today has been something exquisite!
They actually asked me to leave so that they could just play together. No fighting. No stealing toys. No ensuring little-brother-bottom-totem-pole placement. You see, the cars are all preparing to head parade style over to littlest pet shop and adopt a gaggle of friends. It is kind of a big deal. Mommy alone time? Don't have to ask me twice.

And this one.
 Why she wanted to just contently swing and listen to Pandora a bit. She drifts here and there to sleep and then wakes up when a favorite song comes on. I would say that this is a rare occurrence to make you love me more but really---this is our Lucy pretty much every day. What can I say? She is a groovy little Austinite.

Jaymay's "Autumn Fallin'" just came on which was the song that I played directly into my belly with headphones at least once a day throughout my entire pregnancy. I swear she just smiled in her sleep when it came on.

And my morning coffee and homemade muffins... why, they are magical. Mavs winning kinda magical. Okay. Maybe not as magical as that. But still pretty great.

I need to soak this up because in about 5 minutes it could all fall apart...
 Easy morning? We're not complaining.
Have a great start to your week!

Check out other Monday happenings here!


1 comment:

Mary Anne said...

So glad you were able to have a slow Monday morning (no matter how long it did or did not last!)