Monday, July 28, 2008

Social Butterflies...

It seems that every day for the past two weeks we have done something social with all our little friends! It has been SO busy and full of fun!!! We are so excited to finally have the space at home to have people over! It is amazing to me how the littlest of changes can bring such great levels of happiness...

Here are some pictures of Molly and Gabe playing with their friends!

Throughout all these little play dates, I am reminded just how difficult it is to be an almost two-year-old. While Molly certainly tries to share her toys and take turns- the day is often filled with Mommy interventions and occasionally- Molly meltdowns. I think it is definitely a little more nerve racking when your child is the most aggressive in her play! She's working on it. This social practice has been so good for the kids...and mommy. If you are home and want to play- give us a call and we'll pencil you in :0)

1 comment:

jwm said...

Can Hudson come over to play again? :) He had SUCH a great time!! This week is a little full... are you around next week or the week after? Love all your pictures -- your kids are so precious. Love reading your blog, too -- you're hilarious :)