So it seems recently that I have been a little anti-social. I have NO idea why. I will tell you it has been a little bit of wonderful though. I really think that in all honesty my life just needed to slow down for a minute. As many of you know, I tend to always be on the go. In fact, it is maybe even safe to say that I thrive and perform the best when I am busy. A large to-do list seems to balance me. Strange I know. But for the past few days I have really just wanted to escape all that and spend time close to home. It has been really nice.
In many ways, I think it is what the whole May family needed. Molly has been in panties now for three days. Don't underestimate though that it has been messy. I think that at one point in the day yesterday Gabe was stuffing a GIANT leaf from outside in his mouth right as Molly tee-teed on the floor. But, we have made it through and I all I have to say is thank GOD for hardwoods and a great hardwood cleaner solution!
So, amidst all the chaos of home I really started to enjoy all the little things that a busy person fails to notice. For example. I LOVE the library. LOVE IT. We go almost every week to their story time. It is so fantastic. Not only does it provide us with new books/movies at home but their program also allows Molly an opportunity to dance around a fake ficus tree with a tambourine and enjoy some great stories. Yesterday, was a great library day for Mommy too. While perusing the kid CDs I found IT. I found the CD that we had to check ready for it...NEWSIES! I loved Newsies as a child and one summer we watched I think every day. Mainly because I had an intense childhood crunch on Christian Bale... I mean seriously, how could you not love this rebel orphan...

Molly was in awe that Mommy could sing every word to every song on the way home...well maybe not AWE...embarrassment perhaps? Who knows... but is safe to say that we were "carrying the banner" in our car very loudly.
Later in the day while Molly was napping, Gabe and I were reading the paper. Not a great day for news. Really is it ever these days? That is when I discovered what a treasured gift a 7 month old can be. They can become the human shredder. Don't like a Steve Blow's article? Hate seeing your stock plummet? No problem- just give it to Gabe and he will take care of it for you. Very therapeutic if you ask me. I might have gone a little far when I handed him our electric bill...

Pre-debate I spent my time deep cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. You might wonder why that would be a favorite thing. Well, it is all thanks to my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. If I could buy stock in this I would. I LOVE THIS GUY. It takes all the work out of cleaning and makes you feel like you just moved in to your is that clean.
Followed up with some wine and a humorous debate watching session with Kelly - I would say it was an all and all great day. Maybe I should be a little anti-social more often...
Hey-It's not SO bad to be at home. You would think mine would be way cleaner and more organized, however. Love the shredder picture! Jack loves boxes and books. Apparently for the fiber they provide, as the next step is to shove it in his mouth!
Julie- I love being antisocial! its one of my most favorite things to do. Everyone always excpects me to be so social and so welcoming, its a nice change to be alone every once in awhile. Oh and let me tell you, i am addicted to yours and heather's blog. i read every day, in fact it's the highlight of my work day. just thought you should know that. i'm in love with your kids even though we've i havent met them. i feel like i do know them though... ok i'm going back to work now!
MARIE!!! So glad that you read the blog...AND COMMENTED!!! I would totally love to catch up!
I am almost embarrassed to think how many times we watched Newsies in High School. I think I might need to go rent it tomorrow.
Hey, whenever you feel like having company again, I miss you and love you! :)
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