Monday, January 26, 2009

Ice Cream Day

If I were to make an ice cream flavor for today I would call it: Xopenblockoberry fever. Let me explain...
We took Molly to the doctor today. She was quite the little superhero. I think that my favorite moment was when we pulled up out front and Molly exclaims from the back seat: "Yay! Dr. Sue's house- time to play." Why is it that your child is always the most energetic and perfect image of wellness the minute you pull in to the doctor's? Luckily, even a happy Motrin infused Molly couldn't fool our doctor.
We found out that Molly does not have the flu or pneumonia. She was having labored breathing though so I am SO happy that we went in this morning versus afternoon. Molly had a breathing treatment at the doctor's to stop the wheezing and chest retractions. There is still a chance that Molly could have RSV or the parainfluenza virus but because of her age the risks are so much less... we just hope that Gabe can stay strong. We have diagnosed Molly with Nasty virus type A. We have a follow up appointment Weds and are on breathing treatments with Molly's "princess mask" every 4 hours. So far she has just about completely lost her fever and sounds SO much better. Thank you so much for you well wishes for Molly girl!
The rest of the day was spent at home. I really think that we pulled out EVERY toy that we own. Even toys that are under the bed-thank you Molly for finding them all.
(If you read the fine print for side effects to Xopenex you will find that hyperactivity is listed. Kelly has decided the nebulizer perhaps might be a the most expensive crack pipe available. As I write this Molly is talking to a sheet of toliet paper in bed.)
For Christmas, Santa brought the kiddos these big cardboard blocks that I thought seemed AWESOME. Apparently to Gabe they were awesome and delicious. It took me about 10 minutes to extract a piece of cardboard block wedged in the gap in his teeth...his poor inherited Mommy gap. At least my children will never need braces and will have plenty of fiber.
When it is cold and rainy outside the only logical thing to do is to bake a blueberry pie. I mean it isn't like I had more important things to attend to such as keeping my son from eating blocks or something. I am not complaining though- after a day like today a sweet treat is a MUST.
We've got it. Cabin fever to the MAX. Now that Molly's true fever is down and she is fueled by steamed crack we need SPACE. This cold weather did not help with that at all. I think that we are all just a little twitchy.
So there you have it. Our day. Our flavor: Xopenblockoberry fever. I think that one scoop was more than enough.


Rebekah Baker said...

I'm so glad that Molly is on the road to recovery. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you! Take Care....

Janet said...

Aw, it is so hard when they are sick. Hope everyone recovers quickly and stays well!

Janet said...

Oh, and I'll definitely be praying for your guys!