Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lovely braids

In case you haven't noticed really neither of my children look all that much like me. They have Mommy facial expressions and both sport my lovely childhood gap- but definitely no mini-me here. When Molly was born it was like looking at a baby girl version of kelly with a little more hair and monkey toes. She definitely inherited his hair.

I am going to be the first to say that Molly's hair is a mess. She is the product of what happens when a stick straight haired person births a curly girly. I am learning. It has been a slow and rocky start but we are slowly making gains. Conditioner just might be a godsend which is funny because I really can't use that much conditioner at all! We can now master ponytails, bows, clips, hairbands and just recently...


Yes, they are tiny braids but braids just the same. For the first time ever- Molly's hair is allowing me to do something I know how to do. When you have had a life time of drill team you know how to make a quality braid. Molly was ecstatic! Can't you tell? Too bad Kelly didn't take a picture of my face because I know that it looked just like this...
Don't know about the new shrug smile she has going but this moment might have been the first time I COULD SEE a resemblance between Molly and my childhood pictures. HOORAY!

Now the braids will only work if her hair has been deep conditioned, is dripping wet, and it is a cloudy day on a Thursday where the barometric pressure is just right. Got that...only Thursdays- :)

I'll take what I can get.


Anonymous said...

I approve! Gosh, Molly looks so much older with her hair back. Next: updos!

Anonymous said...

I approve! Gosh, Molly looks so much older with her hair back. Next: updos!

Anonymous said...

Wow! She looks like such a kid in these pictures! It's crazy what not seeing there for a few weeks does! Well, hopefully this Thursday will be an Aunt Maxey AND a braids day! :)

Janet said...

Aw, I love the braids. What a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember the drill team braids...I was able to french braid my hair all by myself, in record time...