I am writing this post with a sleeping baby curled up on my chest and really just have to note---this is the BEST feeling ever. Excuse any typos... this is a cuddle as I type sort of post. Annnddd... I might nod off mid post in which I will resume once I wake up. We don't sleep much these days.
Easter this year was very different than the years past. Quite honestly, this was our first big holiday in Austin. With Lucy still so little we opted out of some quality (as in beyond dreadful) driving down I 35 and instead embraced pjs and cinnamon rolls at home. While the pace was a bit perfect for two very sleep deprived parents, we sure did miss our family and the kiddos definitely can't wait to see cousins here in just a few short weeks!
It was exciting to see our out of town friends that have family in Austin because it meant that in addition to visiting their own family for the holiday they also came to love on some Mays. Fifields, Allison and Figgs... we just loved our visits so much!
Our Godson, Jude, was going to join us for pre-eastery celebrations but unfortunately had to miss due to some allergy/cold junk... luckily we still got to spend time with his parents! I know that Lucy is going to love meeting Jude someday soon!
Saturday afternoon was the perfect chance to color some eggs...
It seems our kids have become quite the egg finders this year. They were WAY quick to find eggs.
In the afternoon, we took our lunch to a new park I had been wanting to visit. It was breezy and warm but not too hot--- perfect time to be outside and really nice to have a family date. Why don't all playscapes come with a sun shade? It sure is nice to know that this slide will never reach a MILLION degrees and burn little bottoms. Smart. Smart.
We give thanks this Easter for so many blessings.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend too!
so fun Julie!! theyre all so sweet!!!!
so sweet! I'm glad ya'll had a good easter weekend! I'll call you this week!
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