Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Naming Rights

It is amazing to me the level of thought that goes in to naming your child. And for some...the lack of thought. Someone told me when I was pregnant that I should go somewhere new and introduce myself as my child's name so I could see what reaction it got. I never did this but thought it was an interesting concept. We tried to think of names that had special meaning to us, linked our heritage and didn't rhyme with words like fart or wiener. Got to look out for the middle school years you know.

You know that through time the name will be changed. Little silly nicknames are developed and perhaps a sibling thinks of a whole new name for your child. It is to be expected. In the teen years I know that our children's pretty names will be badly butchered by some unsightly moniker. We will deal...and hope that it isn't some name like sledge or something... by the time our children our teens it might be like blue ray...or maybe red ray or something. Hopefully not.

Our Molly has decided that the time for her name to change is here. Yesterday at the park a little girl asked Molly's name and out of no where she told her that her name was Cinderella Big Girl. And that is where we are today. She will ONLY respond to Cinderella Big Girl and reminds you countless times if you slip up. Poor Kelly had to tell Cinderella Big Girl to have sweet dreams last night. It is a bit funny to discipline her now. We did have a brief moment this morning where she was Jasmine but that was limited. Cinderella Big Girl is back and knowing our kid- she is here to stay.


HeatherBakes said...

Ahhh, to be a kid again- when being called a "big girl" was actually a GOOD thing. She might think of abbreviating to CBG, though... Cinderella Big Girl is quite the mouthful.

Max said...

Well, she told me the other day at the play place that her pony was named I guess maybe it could be worse...she could be Mulon Cinderella Big Girl... :)

Carole said...

I love that idea about going around introducing yourself by the name you chose. I think I'll totally introduce myself as Charlotte to the next random person I meet!

Molly is too cute btw. At least she's creative with her naming!

Jeff said...

What name rhymes with wiener? I remember that Kelly went through a phase when he was little where he didn't want to be called Kelly anymore...he would only answer to the name Tom.