Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Breeze

We have been lying pretty low these past couple days for various reasons. Partially, Lucy's recovery from those yucky pokes which consequently leads to a couple days for me to recover from the sleepless nights that accompany them. Honestly, a big reason that we have been hiding out these past few days is because frankly... it is just so stinkin' hot. Remember a couple weeks ago when I referenced the escape to Canada? Yep. I'm there.

Unlike this hot, lamenting, bump-on-a-log that I have transformed into these days, my children manage to bottle up enviable amounts of energy that explode inside leaving us all a little crazed and Rosie George in a full body tail wag. Lack of sunshine does some crazy things to my little Mays.

Today was gradual. Like one toe dipped in the pool on a cool day kinda of gradual. I just wasn't in the mood to take the belly button plunge of outsideness today. Too much. Too grouchy-faced. And yet...

Outside around 11 this morning something exquisite happened. Molly felt it.
It ruffled Lucy's hair igniting a torrent of excited baby chatter...
A breeze. A shaded cool breeze that carried maybe just the tiniest whisper of respite from this intense heat... some day or another. Perhaps just a future promise. Thankfully, it was just enough to tweak my mood for the better.

An ipod streaming hour of beautimus chalk art on a ground that didn't burn our booties helped even more.

 Maybe I'll hold off on that ticket to Canada for just a bit longer.

Now, unfortunately this mystical breeze carried with it no droplets of rain. So tonight, I ordered some awesome rain boots for Gabey online. Sometimes, we just need to raise our own hopes a little. Well, that... and I am holding a lot of stake in the groovy rain dance/chant my children participated in this past weekend with friends at Ruta Maya. 

Perhaps some weather change soon? Well, if not... at least I made it outside.

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