The evolution of the bathtub routine at our house just fascinates me! Right when you think you have it mastered BAM... you are teleported to the next level and resume your mission to seek comfort. On-going for sure and never a dull moment in our one tiny, little box of a bathroom.
Level One: Tiny newborns and bath time were incredibly scary at first. I mean, I don't know that it is ever really a good idea to give an extremely OVER tired new mommy this wiggly, whimpering, (in my case--- hairiest child EVER) to bathe by herself. Don't even get me started on the nasty looking umbilical cord mid-fall off... UGH. But you get through it... forget about long enough to be back there again with new baby... and then you get through it again.
Level Two: Tiny wiggy naked newborn is now a daredevil toddler, and my case with a lot more hair. Licking the wall, swimming under water and REFUSING to sit down. Good luck. Mastering this phase really felt like an accomplishment.
Level Three: Hairy-Naked-Daredevil lets IT go in the tub. No warning at all and resulting in new bath towels. If I recall correctly,this level had some pretty angry theme music... like when you were running out of time in Mario Brothers.
Level Four: Wiggy-naked-baby is back but this time accompanied by older-naked-hairy-daredevil toddler. Fun times. Especially when daredevil-baby wants to "help" wiggy get clean.
Level Five: Sassy-Naked-first-baby and New-Chubby-Naked-Daredevil think it is pure joy to discover how different their anatomy is the bath tub. Chubby Devil stands up and pees. Sassy Naked cries. Survivable---but tough.
Level Six: Chubby Devil has now surpassed Sassy Naked in size and thinks it is really funny to try and sit on her in the tub...accidentally sits on Ariel bath figure and cries REALLY sad tears. Sassy Naked gets mad at Chubby Devil for touching her princess and begins to cry. Mommy gets some wine.
Level Seven: Sassy Naked and Chubby Devil help to give tiny furball a bath... trying REALLY hard to listen for directions...

while Chubby Devil monitored all temperatures (bath water, tiny furball, the toilet water) before grabbing the toilet scrubber and "washing" the walls.
That last picture makes me laugh out loud!!!! hahaha! Oh, poor Rosie! She doesn't even know what she's gotten herself into. Also, she's HUGE!! Can't wait to see her again! :)
oh, I'm with you on the tales our bathroom could tell! And, I think I've got you beat on the hairiest child... we may need to get together and compare one of these days. :)
PS- BOTH of my children have gone over the edge of the tub and slid across the concrete floor only stopping because they hit the rug. You'd think I would have learned the lesson after the first child! But, there is something SO dang funny about traumatized, naked child, wet indoor slip n slide!
This is a wonderful article, Given so much info in it, These type of articles keeps the users interest in the website, and keep on sharing more ... good luck
bathtub reglazing chicago
i would love to lick her fanny
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