When you become a parent life as you know it transforms. I think that this is true of pretty much any milestone in life. Perhaps one of the biggest changes after having kids has been the absence of quiet. Long gone are the days of curling up with a book on a rainy Saturday, showering without interruptions, peeing with the door closed… ahh… faded memories.
You find yourself trying so hard to remember what quiet felt like. And then one day you get a little taste- just not quite the taste that you were wanting. You see, I have come to find out that now quiet is never really a good thing. If there is quiet then you know something that shouldn’t be happening very likely IS happening. Quiet is no longer a luxury… rather it is an indication to seek your child out immediately.
The other day Molly was nice and quiet… a little too quiet. We had picked up Molly some stickers at the store because she had such great behavior the whole day! I figured she would want to put one on…
Just not all of them at once. Under her shirt. I guess that is where stickers go though?
You find yourself trying so hard to remember what quiet felt like. And then one day you get a little taste- just not quite the taste that you were wanting. You see, I have come to find out that now quiet is never really a good thing. If there is quiet then you know something that shouldn’t be happening very likely IS happening. Quiet is no longer a luxury… rather it is an indication to seek your child out immediately.
The other day Molly was nice and quiet… a little too quiet. We had picked up Molly some stickers at the store because she had such great behavior the whole day! I figured she would want to put one on…
Just not all of them at once. Under her shirt. I guess that is where stickers go though?
***warning this is a picture of a VERY dirty Molly at the end of the day...***

So, our sticker girl was nice and decorated all the way up to bath time where Molly helped the stickers get nice and clean with soap.
I have to give her some credit - the stickers did look quite lovely all compacted together like that – even under her shirt. She just was wearing her flair incognito.
Amen to that! That is a common phrase in our household..."Kade is too quiet, I better go see what he is up to." Molly looks beautiful with all her stickers btw!
I have to say, Molly's sticker arrangement is pretty fantastic. I mean seriously, throw that stuff on a platinum chain or some stretch jersey and wear to the Oscars. I think you have a budding fashion talent on your hands.
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