about a delay in posting. Does anyone else feel like they have lost a few days this week? Between work and family, I have had but a moment to slow down. So here I am sitting next to a graham cookie faced Gabe and drinking some nice lemonade (we will get there) embracing a slower paced moment. Whew.
In case you didn't know it --- St. Pat's Day happens to be my second favorite holiday of the whole year. (1st favorite goes to Fourth of July) I start looking forward to St. Pat's Day generally around December 27th. I love it. I was born into an enormous Irish Catholic family, married a man whose favorite color is green and attended 9 years of parochial school at a place named St. Patrick. Random info but all signs lead to lover of the holiday.
It is something I hope to make special for my children too. This year was both of my children's second time to celebrate St. Patty's. It is amazing that I am now rounding to the point where Gabe has been around for this celebration before... and I am not pregnant... things just might be though I hate to jinx it---delightfully stagnant? Here is the post from last year...look how tiny Gabriel was!
Not anymore... here Gabe is wearing his green avocado mustache with pride...

And the guys in green drinking their green ale of choice. I heart uncle nick's shirt.

Not to name any names but there might have been one certain leprechaun that ate from the time the party started until the party wrapped up...

It was a night filled with sweet memories.... I would like to take a minute to address the enormous amount of people not wearing green on Tuesday. Growing up we had to sleep in green jammies the night before to avoid breakfast pinching by the family. This year, everywhere we went I had to fight the urge to pinch people. I have come to learn that pinching is often not socially acceptable on a play date.
Since that lovely night of green Kelly and I have embraced the sour. This year, Kelly and I made a few plans to embrace a life style change. One of them included a cleanse. I told Kelly I was incapable of starting a cleanse until after St. Pat's Day---remember the gearing up begins in December. So yesterday was official kick off of our lemonade cleanse. Unfortunately due to a stressful moment that might have resulted in a cheeseburger we are now on official kick off part II and doing quite well. I even cooked a yummy dinner tonight for a new mommy and didn't even feel tempted to take a bite... well, maybe a little tempted. But I didn't. I'll keep you posted on how it goes without going into detail on how it all goes...if you get my drift.
So here we are with our sweet and sour...taking life's lemons and definitely making some lemonade.
So here we are with our sweet and sour...taking life's lemons and definitely making some lemonade.
Happy weekend to you!
1 comment:
you'll have to fill me in on the cleanse. Sounds awful!
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