Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Dinner

I had full intentions of posting last night but quite honestly, I just needed a brain break. The morning started off great but by the end of the night we were more than done. It was a really good beach day and an even better pool afternoon. We have learned that if we dig a big hole in the ground at the beach the kids will play in it for a long time. Yesterday the said hole was a doghouse, a barbie palace and at one point a 4 star restaurant... (but if you want my opinion I would have ranked it 3 stars... it was a little dirty.)

Last night was our first night to go to dinner. I love restaurants. My children love restaurants. In fact, we sorta look for every opportunity to frequent them... just not last night. On a night that I definitely needed to bring my A game, I felt like I was struggling to muster up even a B. In the world of child vs. parent, they won a round. While the food was great, we were crammed...and it was a bit sweltering? We'll go with that. This restaurant uses the ocean breeze as air conditioning...awesome concept except when you are in the windowless corner. With 14 people.

I did get my first picture on this trip with the kids. Not the best but I will take it. See world... I was there too. (It is hard to see but Gabey has spikes in his hair... and they are WAY cute.)

By dessert it was an all out war. Gabe's final wail sent us out early for the door... and it was so loud I opted for the side door. It was bad and not a pretty moment for the Mays. And all I wanted in this moment was my husband. I wanted to get in the car and laugh to each other in order to keep sanity, or perhaps cry together. I was embarrassed and tired and felt a bit alone.
So I reached out.
I think it is always a great idea to have one best friend that is like you in this world of parenting. Someone you can call at your cracking point, have them not answer their phone, stalk their husband's phone so they do answer, immediately start talking/crying (forgetting to ask if you were interrupting their life) and have them say all the right words. I love you, Tiffany... so much. And I felt better. And the kids were nicer. Funny how those go hand-in-hand.
It was a not so pretty moment of the Mays but we are over it now. I had a nice long bubble bath with wine and my ipod last night and felt REALLY recharged. The kids slept in until 8 his morning and we are all snuggled watching toy story in bed. I think it might be a better day and if not... at least I have Tiffany on speed dial and a GREAT husband to make me laugh (even if it is over the phone).
I mean really, there is no stress that a good day at the beach can't cure.


Joanie D. said...

You're a wonderful Mommy, Julie!! Even though we haven't seen each other in YEARS, your great MOMMA-nality (mommy personality) resonates all the way to me! thanks for your blogs

tiffanymiller said...

at least you looked really cute during this meltdown!
love you more!